Join the Year-end Book Sale and enjoy BIG discounts on all Tamil books and resources! This offer is available until 31 December while stocks last. Tamil books and resources for all levels including Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary levels available.
- 10% OFF on all test papers.
- 10% OFF on all assessment books and guides. [Assessment books, student guides, oral guides, compo guides, etc.)
- 10% OFF on all primary level Text books.
- 10% OFF on all MOE approved dictionaries.
- 10% OFF on all story books
- 10% OFF on all learning resources such as puzzles, alphabet cut-outs, flash cards, etc.
The sale is available from 01 November 2020 to 31 December 2020.
Where to buy?
1) Order from Tamilcube Online Shop:
Visit Tamilcube Shop online. Use the coupon code “TAMILCUBEGOLD” and enjoy the discounts and FREE Shipping!
2) Buy from Little India branch